After a severe crash in Kentucky, federal officials are looking to place a ban on all use of cell phones, both hand-held and hands-free. To my knowledge in this argument there really isn't a qualifier, though considering the source I wouldn't expect there to be. Qualifying words like "probably" and "maybe" are avoided most of the time, because the paper needs to know for a fact something before they publish it. Now, they can publish with these words included, but it might put the credibility of the paper in jeopardy, so must prefer not to.
However there is a rebuttal statement. The ban should be placed on cell phone usage unless in an emergency. This is a logical rebuttal statement. Things happen that the driver could not have accounted for and he will have to use his or her cell phone. It is a nice loop hole to get out of a situation.
I figure any good argument will have a rebuttal, because most people will need a loop hole so they can escape backlash from people arguing against the point. Having a qualifier I don't think is nearly as important though. While these words may make your argument stronger, they could also weaken the integrity of the argument, so it's kind of a crapshoot.