Monday, November 21, 2011

Blog Post #10:

These are the identities that I take on during a usual week (in no particular order): daughter, student, friend, employee and sometimes boss, girlfriend, and roommate. I can't really think of any other ones. I would definitely not consider my identity as stable. I do not have just one identity that I take on and stick to it. I switch between these different identities many times a day and even more times per week. It all depends on who I am around. I could be the daughter identity while I am talking on the phone with my mother, but when I walk into my apartment, I switch identities and become the girlfriend and the roommate depending on who is sitting in my living room at any given time.

Technology allows me to be certain roles that without it would not be as prevalent. If I did not have my cellphone, I would obviously still be able to identify with the daughter role, but I would not frequently have to act upon it because I would not be able to talk to my mother as constantly as I do now.

Blog Post #9: Project Update

Well, so far I have started doing some research about what I am going to try and include in this. Most of it is coming from our textbook, but I am trying to do a little bit of outside research as well so that I can have some other information to back me up. I have also begun drafting out ideas of what my script will be like, but nothing is set in stone yet on that. The next step I would take would be to really start writing down information about the characters, setting, story line, and other things like that.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Blog Post #7: Project Update

I'm going to preface my update on my project with saying that I have a huge report due for another class this Thursday, so quite honestly, I have not begun to think about this in depth. I have, however, decided what I am going to be doing. I have also been known to change projects halfway through the assignment period, but I will alert you if any serious changes happen.

I'm thinking I might include a video to go along with my presentation, because I am not a public speaker. I do not do well in front of people and anything I can do to shorten the time I have to speak is welcome, because I can guarantee I will not do well. I stutter and get really nervous, and I just don't do well in general.

Otherwise, I decided that I am going to do a dialogue between a character that represents the belletristic movement and a character that represents the elocutionary movement. I will find a way to work the important parts from each idea into the conversation. I have not decided much else besides that.

I will begin working on this project after I finish my report and turn that in later this week. I am good with projects though, so I will find the time to do it eventually.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Blog Post #6: The Man Your Man Could Smell Like

By this point, everyone has probably seen the newer Old Spice commercials. I absolutely love this commercial and chances are I am not the only one who will be focusing on this ad. With this ad, the person who is negated would be a) females, because this ad is not directed at them since the product is for men only and b) the men who already smell like this fancy man. This ad sets some pretty high and ridiculous standards. It kind of establishes that women want their man to be amazing and handsome and be able to turn tickets into diamonds. That isn't always the case. And with the tickets to diamonds that is never the case. These standards are ridiculous, but so is the commercial in general. These standards aren't really fair, but I don't see them necessarily as an ethical issue either.