Monday, November 21, 2011

Blog Post #10:

These are the identities that I take on during a usual week (in no particular order): daughter, student, friend, employee and sometimes boss, girlfriend, and roommate. I can't really think of any other ones. I would definitely not consider my identity as stable. I do not have just one identity that I take on and stick to it. I switch between these different identities many times a day and even more times per week. It all depends on who I am around. I could be the daughter identity while I am talking on the phone with my mother, but when I walk into my apartment, I switch identities and become the girlfriend and the roommate depending on who is sitting in my living room at any given time.

Technology allows me to be certain roles that without it would not be as prevalent. If I did not have my cellphone, I would obviously still be able to identify with the daughter role, but I would not frequently have to act upon it because I would not be able to talk to my mother as constantly as I do now.

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